Saturday, April 14, 2007

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HTML 5 to watch more closely

It appears that Internet-readers are fond of lists of all kinds. Canvasser at my hours, I bow to exercise today without forgetting my priesthood to engage surfers stranded here a real informative value.

Before listing a few words of introduction: HTML5, also called "Web 1.0 applications" is a proposal by the WHATWG (think tank web very listened to the original example of the system of persistent cookies in Firefox 2.0) to succeed HTML4/XHTML1. HTML5 is a totally different from XHTML2, which covers the current work of W3C on the subject.

HTML5, therefore, is a real exciting thing, for at least 5 reasons:

- HTML5 is pragmatic
the WHATWG not advocating revolution but an evolution that will keep compatibility with current practices Web developers today. It often annoys the purists but it can move forward.

- HTML5 is ambitious
may be pragmatic but ambitious with tags like canvas to achieve graphics or javascript datagrid element that would solve a persistent problem for Ajax developers.

- HTML5 is open to contributions
WhatWG's work are open to all contributions (including yours ?)... unlike those of the W3C.

- HTML5 is designed for the web tomorrow
HTML5 tries to answer a large number of modern uses of HTML: multimedia content, web applications, or exchanges between users. HTML5 bears in that final break with the language of HTML data structuring what was originally. XHTML2 is rather the opposite direction by trying to clean HTML from its inconsistencies with its original principles.

- HTML5 is followed by those who make the web
Mozilla, Opera, Apple has recently and very formally requested to use the W3C WhatWG work as a basis for reflection for the new HTML. .. in parallel while implementing certain proposals (such as canvas) without waiting for any approval of the latter!


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