Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Sensativity To Pain During Menstration

OpenID digital identity

The management of our identity through the different services Internet is one of the unresolved issues that had raised Uncle Tim O'Reilly "What is Web 2.0 . Small reminder of the problem in question eg stupid ...

JB Boisseau is terribly jealous of the talent and success Fred Cavazza and decides to take revenge on that dirty trick fate into impersonating him.
How? Nothing more simple: he just go to the blog and Loic Lemeur unload a stream of insults ... signing "Fred Cavazza. Having no way to identify clearly the person in question, the Machiavellian JB Boisseau manage to confuse users easily transition from 2.0 and this, potentially a large number of services.

other hand, good Fred would like to benefit from a "single sign-on on the web allowing it to access all its services with a single authentication ... thing he would save valuable time.

Many services have tried to establish itself as standard in the field (where, by definition, there can be only player) and it seems a winner is emerging. The winner in question would be OpenId. The reasons are as follows:
- AOL announced the following Microsoft ready to use OpenID for authentication services.
- Several reference websites (Digg, Technorati, MovableType ...) have adopted the system
- OpenID providers are both numerous and influential: Verisign, JanRain, Sxip, ..

short, if some questions remain about the ability technique OpenId fully play its role, it is far better placed than others to win that battle.


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