Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Guitar Hero Dongle Repair

Upcoming Elections

Elections will follow, but not alike. The polls are contradictory, Charest stagnant Boisclair back and tries to fuel up his respirator while trying to rekindle lost passion and ... ADQ goes back!

Charest definitely a very heavy record to defend. Since 2003, broken promises, strikes, tax cuts that never came, scandals, in short, the perfect cocktail of popular dissatisfaction. However, the Liberal Party has a campaign budget level, but also good strategists. Indeed, it is not out of opportunism that Philippe Couillard, one of the few ministers with a popularity rating is satisfactory in this region of Quebec. The idea is to create a momentum to save a few counties in the capital that are threatened. In short, this is not a coincidence that at this point that Charest has decided to call an election. An adversary is crumbling and the other takes the good. Divide and conquer. Charest could easily escape.

Boisclair has demonstrated beyond any doubt that he has not lived up to expectations. Indeed, it has created division within the caucus, many members, young and old, took their cliques and claques, labor is not as enthusiastic about the PQ that the has traditionally been we speculate on a return of Bernard Landry or Pauline Marois, in short, nothing goes. The baffle is stiff and stuffed! This is the point where the big brother of Ottawa school club, Gilles Duceppe, must intervene. In short, the PQ starts campaign backwards.

It remains the ADQ. 4 years, the media have struggled against the party of Mario Dumont, predicting the death of the movement, announcing the bankruptcy next, but nothing helped. In short, since the fall, we had a leader who has demonstrated his experience and he learned from his mistakes. He has initiated several debates position and moved quickly, especially on the issue of reasonable accommodation, even though Boisclair was invisible. For six months, the opposition leader, Mario Dumont was this. Moreover, the Liberals will no longer attack the PQ, but the ADQ! The ideas of the party have come a long way (to the point where the other two parties are based on the program of the ADQ). A victory in sight? Earnings, certainly, but the victory, I do not think so.

I keep reading in my crystal ball. The reason is simple: it is the media who decide elections. Consider Some examples: in 2003, Charest has been strangely proclaimed winner of the leaders debate, even if merely "mouth" and without bringing any new ideas. Moreover, the finding of the case Parizeau, when the facts are still unclear today, out of control and promoted the election of the Liberal Party of Quebec. Meanwhile, the CBC broadcast airtime unfairness between the parties, to the detriment of the ADQ (indeed, the Ombudsman de Radio-Canada agreed with the ADQ) and, through the media , editors of newsletters were instructed to place only negative images Mario Dumont and negative (and if they did not, he should look in the archives). The 2003 election is not an isolated case. Think of the 2006 federal election that gave victory to Stephen Harper (this case was also covered by Infoman) where the images we saw of Paul Martin were negative, compared to those of Stephen Harper. And at the municipal, Andrée Boucher won with unprecedented media support (like that of Andrew Arthur !!!). These media have raised a false news story against Vincent Lacroix Marc Bellemare with administrators and Norbourg. All that to say that you need to monitor that the media will cast their eye, especially from the leaders' debate. At least that for the first time, more voters will dictate their vote by the media, but with their heads.


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