Wednesday, February 7, 2007

In Floor Heating Removing Air Lock

The real heroes of the Web 2.0

Every day in the shade of businessmen and bloggers hits, hackers were brilliant insights and willingness to build the web (2.0) today and tomorrow.

Since they probably never know the fame he deserved, I would now give them a little tribute via a 100% subjective selection of the best of them.

David H. Hanson, definitely on track
This man is more than a clever techie: his vision of web development is so effective that it has revolutionized the profession almost by itself. His work, RubyOnRails , is indeed at odds with many habits: unknown language, a pattern (ActiveRecord) too often considered lax structure (MVC) that rhymed far more rigorous that efficiency ... and now many try to copy it!

Alex Russell, the master of the dojo
Alex Russell is the project manager dojo, this innovative javascript library which not only includes an impressive number of features but also has an architecture very well thought out.
Alex Russell is also one of those who lean most on the developing COMET, a technology that certainly has the future but is still AJAX more nightmarish to set up.

Brad Neuberg, offline, but the blow
I've already talked a lot, but the work of Brad on the offline mode and its coup for use Flash cookies in Javascript is really impressive.

Sam Stephenson, chief prototyper
Sam Stephenson is neither more nor less than the creator Prototype, the javascript library reference to the Ajax development. It is also part of the team working on the core RubyOnRails.

Thomas Fuchs: scriptaculeux!
Thomas Fuchs had the good idea to rely prototype scriptaculous to build his very practical effects JavaScript library ... it is also involved in developing RubyOnRails should therefore probably no coincidence. Also note, its good development practices JavaScript that should be better known.

Joe Hewitt, our savior daily
Joe Hewitt has had the excellent idea of developing the most faithful friend of the developer through javascript Firebug : let it be!

Note that 2 of these hackers 2.0 (David and Sam) are part of the famous team 37signals (Basecamp, Getting Real) and 2 others (Alex and Brad) are employed Sitepen ... 2 small companies they would move our old web faster than some behemoths?


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