Saturday, August 16, 2008

Imagenes De Playas De Miami

A few days of vacation ...

Hello dear friends:)
You may have noticed that the blog was dormant for a few days. I should warn you. In fact, I was in London and I was really thinking more systematically have access to computers to keep track of the blog succinctly. Unfortunately, this was not the case. Also I have to go again some time in Britain where the monitoring should not be better (and visits counter suffers ...). But hey, that's so! By cons, do not worry. Upon my return to Paris I will continue and amplify the blog as much as possible with maybe, I said maybe ... some surprises:) Pending happy holidays (for what it is) at all and see you soon.

Friday, August 8, 2008

Onkyo Receiver Shuts Off At High Volume

Test PC: Montjoie! The medieval strategy game. Call

WARNING: If you tend to favor the beautiful pictures and beautiful music to the enjoyment of the game, change the site! Viiite. Here prerogative (peut-être. ..) Quarantine assumed and experience combined, only account on the fun. Even though the packaging does not follow ... Of course, when the marriage of fun, beautiful pictures and beautiful music is there, so much better and we will not fail to note. Moreover, the test Gen68 are constantly "evolving". The test of the game does seem that when I think having something to say. But nothing stops progress in its ruling, to see things previously unnoticed, later to find gross errors hitherto well hidden and I do not know what else ... All items will be edited so many times. It's also what should be the prerogative of the quarantine!

montjoie The prerogative of the quarantine is not only to understand the weaknesses and the qualities of a game differently from a young white nose (!) It's also about identifying jewelry that go unnoticed almost. Today, I test for the strategy game you Montjoie!. It is an adaptation of a PC board game released in 1998 and well known to aficionados of evening sprinkled around tables covered with pins. The team that developed the board game to understand it was not possible (or practical) to ordinary regular collection of players. It was therefore thought to develop a computerized version, similar in every respect. It has the merit of allowing games against an artificial intelligence leading and including myself constantly fees (even if it is true that I 'm sorry quiche in strategy, but it was not for lack of love strategy!). The game is distributed by the very friendly team of AGEOD . The latter is recognized for two main reasons: first, it is specialized in top-flight wargaming. Second, is a society that practices an art has now disappeared in the middle of the game. Attention, open your well ... esgourdes AGEOD produces and distributes games ... finished! Yes, yes you read correctly with. Games that work without patch and everything. Periodic patches are just to improve the product and add additional functionality.

What is Montjoie! ? This adaptation PC runs at any point in the same way as the original ... except that you only drink (hic)! You're at a game board representing France in the war of 100 years. It is divided into regions, themselves composed of cities connected by roads. We even see on the side of the deck plate and removal of cards already played! Your goal is simple. As a representative of a "nation" of the time (we speak of factions so they are small), you must get as many regions as possible under your flag to earn points just for pretending to claim sovereignty over these territories. I do not speak knowingly of France. For if it is appropriate that the small kingdom of France extends over the regions, according to the course of history (otherwise we would not be here), we can totally go against the grain of the latter and play the victory of another faction. The playable factions are France, Flanders, England, Brittany, Navarre and Burgundy. The faction subsequently elected will decide the level of play is much easier to win with the initial allocation of land from the small kingdom of France with that of Navarre, for example.

The similarity of Montjoie! PC Montjoie! Tea is not only formal. The mechanism of the game is exactly the same. At first, you are asked to play historical scenarios, with specific rules vary slightly from one scenario to another, recounting some memorable passages of the Hundred Years War. Another option, play for free variants more or less extended the basic game. For my part, I have based this test on the extreme version of the game that is fullest. It best demonstrates the characteristics of the game because it adds to the basic game phase of diplomacy and a simulated mode eliminator "on Burnout (!) Where the last player in each round is eliminated successively.
The game is played in game turns and each turn is divided into 10 consecutive stages. Once the round is completed, all the stages again in the same order and so on until the end of the game after a predetermined number of laps depending on the scenario.

Once your initial territories established (the game gives you some flexibility ) Begins the sequence of phases:

Phase 1: removal of tax gain or gold. Each region brings you held gold in terms of the constructs that you have previously established in previous rounds. A simple Garrison earns less than a castle, which itself brings in less than a fortress. Castles and fortresses are not built solely for defensive purposes but also for monetary consideration. Keep that in mind because, again, Montjoie! is a well famous strategy game ...

Phase 2: diplomacy. Phase suitable for extreme version, it allows either to buy votes from other factions to promote war or peace in the later phase of determining the political choice, either to incite an attack on a town by placing a premium, or finally to propose alliances with other factions by proposing a bonus that will be affected in case of compliance the alliance at the end of turn.

Phase 3: determining the political choice. In other words, we have to choose peace or war. That's majority rules where the importance of being able to buy votes ... If peace, each faction receives only four cards "fighting" and is entitled only to an attack against other factions. In case of war, the card number up to 6 and the number of attacks may be more important in terms of other criteria.

Phase 4: Distribution of the cards. Each faction receives the number of cards corresponding to political choice majority. It is not possible to describe exhaustively all the cards of the game as part of this article but remember that they are of several kinds: maps of attack or defense, special cards that allow dirty tricks and influence cards that can be out the most tense situations and you touch based on your earnings and your territorial acquisitions in gold.

Phase 5: Purchase of maps and construction. This is where you use the most maliciously staffing gold you have. You can buy cards to complete a staffing base fails. You can also transform into garrisons and castles / fortresses or castles in order to increase the defensive value but also, as we have seen, the future earnings.

Phase 6: New College of factions. Montjoie! is a game where the order of play significantly affects the course of events. It may be interesting to be the first to play to benefit, for example, random events (see below). But it can also be profitable to play last to benefit Information on the remaining cards of the other factions (which appears on the screen) and play accordingly. This phase can take the order of play factions randomly, knowing that not a single faction only starts two consecutive rounds of play.

Phase 7: random events. The game runs ten random events related to the time to promote the appropriate faction of the first round (or instance of the handover of the Pope's intervention) or, alternatively, to penalize all players (the plague!)

Phase 8: allegiance enemy cities. At the beginning of the game each faction "has" more about her free cities that can connect for free to his faction, provided they are connected to your cities by road. It is a simple and peaceful gain territory. Attention, with the advance of the game free cities are becoming more rare except when the process "eliminator" is set in motion: all garrisons, castles and fortresses factions eliminated revert Free.

Phase 9: conquer enemy cities. This is the major phase of the game, but not necessarily the most strategic. Here, depending on the policy choices and certain other criteria, you have a number of attacks. Once a selected target, the maneuver is always the same. If you're attacking, you choose two cards to attack. If you advocate a single. Because the latter is simulated by the defensive value of your garrison, castle or fortress attacked. In both cases, you can add special cards such as card "Engineer", which undermines the attack or defense side. By comparing the sum of cards on both sides (basis points) was the first idea of the power relationship. But this is where chance plays its role. Each player takes a die whose circulation is in addition to base points. Whoever has accumulated the largest sum wins, but ... you can at the last moment, playing a card that will change things: a point of influence map "finger of God" which multiplies combines both your point and so on. etc.. In short nothing is played until the end. If you have lost the battle, played your cards are wasted except to play a card "withdrawal". So beware of attacks coming from other factions. If you win, you get your cards, which can however be played in defense. Subtle is not it? And yet, I pass the cards ambassadors and skinners, who deserve an article in their own right!

Phase 10: save points suitor. Once all other battles and skirmishes played, each faction is left with a number of entire regions (That is to say that we have all the cities that compose). The computer does the counting of these regions reflects regional bonus (some regions such as Paris or Calais are historically very important and those who possess them can touch 1 to 2 points from claiming additional region) and accumulate points of suitor for the ride with the previous points.

This last phase is completed, we return to the first (and tax gain of gold) whose calculation is done taking into account the new situation in regions garrisons , castles and fortresses. And continue in phases so new .... etc.. At the end of a predefined number of laps (10 in the extreme variant) is the custodian of the greatest number of points contenders wins.

Everything in the game is for the player knows where he is constantly compared to other factions. Interface, modeled perhaps on the game board is a model of clarity. We take pleasure to gradually discover how to use a particular information of the interface to be able to defeat (it took me some time uh ... to understand the importance an indication of the number of cards from each faction, for example). Several game speeds are available as well. Beginners can put on the slow time to understand how to play the other factions, before moving rapidly when they have understood the intricacies of the game and it's the computer to play.

But where the effort is really commendable is that the designers have added to this a powerful contextual online help. But also a real historical database is extremely comprehensive, listing all the events and characters of the game was even entitled to a timeline that materializes the historical context of each scenario. Great art! In short, Montjoie! is not only a game really deep, fun and addictive but also a real history lesson for those who dig a little database. Montjoie! Is the game that "cursed Kings" is to literature? Let's say the parallel is not completely absurd ...

For there is still a "but" ... you remember qu'AGEOD, which distributes the game, makes a point of honor distribute only the finished products? I can assure you that plenty of cases in respect Montjoie!. We can note some small bugs from time to time but nothing as normal and nothing particularly prohibitive. Some on the forums, have been pleased to find all the problems but as far as I'm concerned, the only ones I faced were in multiplayer. Because there is an excellent multiplayer Montjoie! that works very well. No point spread. You just have to find partners and it is not straightforward given the smallness of the community.

The problem is not there. It lies rather in the fact that the team that developed the game ... amateur! And yes it may seem incredible when you see the quality of the product but Pascal Bernard, game designer from the small studio Chung Games behind Montjoie!, Only works with a designer and programmer. This explains the difficulties of the studio to follow Montjoie! like a big professional studio. However, this type of structure offsets reduced monitoring frequency random by a fully functional product at its output which, again, is becoming scarce. Knowing that the team works and already sleeping on a PC version Following the Montjoie!, Renaissance (the title says most by itself) it is hoped that the additions of the new engine version will be transposed in the form of patches additives (not patches) Montjoie! Still, that Montjoie! is a finished product, perfectly playable, produced by a team of passionate and which is monitored by those same fans. And that, it deserves the utmost respect!

  • Game statégie deep.
  • interface very clean.
  • Music well chosen.
  • Very informative.
  • Played in an hour or two.
  • No need to opponents saw the quality of AI.
  • There is still a mutlijoueurs in case ...
  • few bugs last much less than the vast majority of games.
  • There is a demo here.
  • Few players for multiplayer.
  • Only downloadable here .
  • bof ... something else? I think not!
rating Gén68 (Pouët Pouëëëët ...): 9 / 10

If you liked this article or brought you something, or rather if you did not like and that its contents can be completed, thank you to leave a comment . It is through your actions that this blog will improve.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

How Long Does It Take For Tazemepam Work

population ...

In these days of Olympic Games, where he is well known that the important thing is to participate, and to busy blog Generation 68 and games video, I propose to interested persons to appear tests or other articles about video games or Blogger .
Indeed, I can not allow one to test a myriad of games. I pay them myself and my purse is far from being bottomless. That would be the opposite:) I also can not provide a sufficient range of tutorials Blogger alone.
course, it goes without saying that the article will your name or nickname, your email address or your url site / blog appropriate. short, there will undoubtedly be your article.
For cons, I said that I would just like a certain formal attire articles. This is my share of work. But it implies that I have read and modify your original article to make it consistent with the title. From there, either you trust me or you are entitled to a return of the amended article before publication. That depends.
Articles in English are accepted as long as I feel able to translate.
Français Written reviews are accepted as long as I m Able to translate it.
Apprentice testers, pamphleteers, love "casual" or "hardgamer" video games and all others welcome.
To propose your participation, just leave a comment to this article.

How To Lace Converse Doubles

Tutorial: Adding a section in a header, implementation.

As and when the construction of this blog, I propose, using some tutorials to share with you how which I proceeded to design it.
Today I moved my practice tutorial on sharing the header. Good thing because you may have noticed that it was slightly difficult ... I will So try to simplify things by creating, step by step with you, a new section in my header. In fact, remember. After creating my banner, I realized I had left the place in height for an additional section in my header . As I removed my navbar (if you want to know how, management comment ), visitors of my blog is no longer possible to do research. The circle is complete! I'll put a search link in my new section. (Thanks to Rodney and Amanda for the part on the widget link research).

Step 1) Enter in the administration of your site (login, password), then click on the "Edit HMTL code" to enter in the model code of your blog. Again, before any change, it is better to save your original model as I have already indicated here. Once the backup completes, try the following code:

\u0026lt;div id='header-wrapper'>
\u0026lt;b: section class = 'header' id = 'header' maxwidgets = '1 'showaddelement =' no '>
\u0026lt;b: widget id = 'header1' locked = 'true' title = '68 and Generation Video Game (Header)' type = 'Header' />
\u0026lt;/ b: section>
\u0026lt;div id = 'header-right'>
\u0026lt;b:section class='header' id='header-right-top' showaddelement='yes'>
\u0026lt;b: widget id = 'LinkList1' locked = 'false' title =''type = 'LinkList' />
\u0026lt;/ b: section>
\u0026lt;/ div> \u0026lt;div
id='header-right-bottom'> ;
\u0026lt;b:section class='header' id='header-right-bottom-section' showaddelement='yes'>
\u0026lt;b: widget id = 'HTML1' locked = 'false' title = 'Choose your language / translation. " type = 'HTML' />
\u0026lt;/ b: section>
\u0026lt;/ div>
\u0026lt;/ div>

As we have already seen, This is the code that actually created our sections. I isolated the code that produces orange section where my Google translation widget (See my header to view). As the search link is also a widget, I'll just copy this piece of code and paste it j ust before the last tag \u0026lt;/ div> before the change as follows:

\u0026lt;div id = 'header-right-down >
\u0026lt;b:section class='header' id=' header-right-down-section' showaddelement='yes'>
\u0026lt; b: widget id = ' HTML2 ' locked = 'false' title = ' Search / Search this blog. 'type =' HTML '/>
\u0026lt;/ B: section>
\u0026lt;/ div>

I first changed the name of the section, of course, 'header-right- bottom 'to' header-right-down '. In a second step, I changed the ID 'header-right-bottom -section' to 'header-right-down -section'. It should then change the ID of the widget that we will put in HTML1 (translator widget ID) to HTML2 (identifier search widget that we will create later). Finally, we let course type in HTML, as we will also put the HTML to define the widget link search.

Step 2) Now that we've created our new section (name: header-right-down ID: header-right-down-section), it must encode its appearance. In my case, I want my Link section research appears in exactly the same way as my other two sections. Ie on an orange background with a bright orange border. Again, I'll do a simple "copy" of a previous code and paste it with some modifications:

cherchez le code:

#header-right-bottom-section {
padding: 0 5px 10px;

#header-right-bottom {
width: 40%;
height: 116px%;
float: right;
border: 1px solid $bordercolor;
color: $pagetitlecolor;
margin: 5px;

#header-right-bottom ul {
margin: 0;
padding: 5px;

# header-bottom-right ul li {
display: inline;
padding: 5px;}
... copy / paste the just below and then replace them all by bottom down (or whatever you choose of course):

# header-right-down -section {
padding: 0 5px 10px;}

# header-right-down
{width: 40%;
height: 116px%
float: right;
border : 1px solid $ bordercolor;
color: $ pagetitlecolor;
margin: 5px;}

# header-right-down
ul {margin: 0;
padding: 5px;

} # header-right-down ul li {
display: inline;
padding: 5px;}

Save your template and voila. The third section is well with the same format as previous ones. For the sake of consistency, I arranged my three sections, which are one above the other to the right of my banner, so they cover the entire vertical height of my banner. It is 350 pixels high. So I set each section to 116 pixels high (350 / 3). Blogger is doing all alone to adjust everything and I'm pretty happy with the result. It now only remains for me to work the color of this header and I would have finished at least partially.
If you liked this article or brought you something, or rather if you did not like and that its contents can be completed, thank you to leave a comment . It is through your actions that this blog will improve.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Naruto Fanfiction Lemon

Tutorial: align widgets in a table.

As and when the construction of this blog, I propose, using some tutorials to share with you how I method for the design.

In a previous article , I told you about how to share a header to include, among other things, widgets. Meanwhile, I encountered a new problem. It turned out that I did not want to put in each section one but many widgets. But without precaution, ie by copying and pasting the widget code just one after the other, we see that they appear one above the other instead of taking advantage of horizontal space offered by the Sections crées.Voici what it looked like concrete:

Obviously there's nothing good in this bad use of space. So I sought a solution for aligning widgets. The one I found is simply create an HTML table . Here's the code:
\u0026lt;script src = " / ig / ifr? url = up_source_language = en & & w = 160 h = 60 & title = & amp ; border = & output = js "> \u0026lt;/ script>
\u0026lt;/ td>

<a href=""><img alt="Add to Technorati Favorites" src=""/></a>

<script language="JavaScript" src="" type="text/javascript"></script>

<noscript><a href="" title = "Blog Directory, Find A Blog, Submit A Blog, Search For The Best Blogs"> Blog Catalog Blog Directory \u0026lt;br/> \u0026lt;br/> \u0026lt;/ a> \u0026lt;/ noscript>
\u0026lt; ; / td>
\u0026lt;/ tr>
\u0026lt;/ tbody>
\u0026lt;/ table>

I have indicated in orange code of the table itself, and bright yellow code my widgets. You just have to replace them by the codes of the widgets that interest you most directly. Please do not forget to tag \u0026lt;tbody> \u0026lt;/ tbody> . That was the mistake I made with results in a display defective and have unfortunately been slow to understand. With the hope that this little thing you used:)

If you liked this article or brought you something, or rather if you did not like and that its contents can be completed, thank you to leave a comment . It is through your actions that this blog will improve.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

French Country Decorating With A Red Sofa

Génération68 and Video Games: The banner finally here! Have your say.

You 've probably already noticed, since the goal is a bit of maneuvering, I spent my Saturday afternoon to make my old Painter 5 with the top banner. I need your opinion. Not to completely change because I would not have the courage in the immediate future, but on the few items it contains, how they appear so. etc.. Okay I'm kidding a little there, because if you hate it, he must tell me too. If I realize that this is general, I will have to do something!
An interesting thing anyway. A result of negligence on my part, you Notice that the banner goes far beyond the height of two widgets right. It remains for me a spot just below the Google translation widget. I will take advantage certainly add a new section as in the previous tutorial in which I will probably search widget since I removed the navbar which the option was included automatically.

If you liked this article or brought you something, or rather if you did not like and that its contents can be completed, thank you to leave a comment . It is through your actions that this blog will improve.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Rocco Siffredie Lilli Carati

Tutorial: Sharing widgets to insert header and menu.

As and when the construction of this blog, I propose,
using some tutorials to share with you how I proceeded to conceive.

engrenage The pitch:
Now that we know insert HTML in a message without it being interpreted inappropriately, we can move on to something much more seriously. I think we have or will all be confronted with the following problem. By dint of asking one below the other widgets and other page elements, you end up being confronted with some issues of visibility. What should be put first in the famous "golden corner" top left, one that attracts the eyes of our visitors so expensive? The old articles? The subscription links? The translation widget so important to expand the geographic impact of the blog? ... Difficult question is not it? Without it represents a panacea, one solution would be to take a step closer to our header (or header). Indeed, rather than leaving no other role than to display title and description of the blog, why not partition and include page elements that are stealing a precious spot on the main page? I want to emphasize that I am largely inspired items Blogger fingertip and Blogger Buster for this article. I do not claim paternity. Simply use I am faced with a number of facts or issues that prompted me to "go deeper into the code" that initial articles can be. And I will therefore propose a condensed / expanded somewhat.
The walkthrough:
Step 1: when modify the template code to the extent we do (and to a lesser extent ...), should always consider saving the original template in case of trouble. Draft Blogger offers you this opportunity. Go and in the dashboard, click "Settings." In the "General" tab at the top an option to export the blog Atom format is available:
Just then export your blog (its RSS feed for that matter) on your hard drive. We can then begin to work more serenely ...

Step 2: access the HTML of your page by clicking on "Dashboard" Layout "and" Edit HTML. "Blogger does not text editor worthy of the name for this window. It includes no option to search / replace. I therefore suggest that you copy all your code in Notepad / Notepad to edit it more easily. Search now

the following code that will be slightly different in your case, even if only because of the blog title:

\u0026lt;div id = 'header-wrapper>

\u0026lt;b:section class='header' id='header' maxwidgets='1' showaddelement='no'>

\u0026lt;b: widget id = 'header1' locked = 'true' title = '68 and Generation Video Game (Header)' type = 'Header' />

\u0026lt;/ b: section>

\u0026lt;/ div> ;

This code is the "header-wrapper, ie the container of your letterhead. In examining some, we see that there is a tag \u0026lt;b:section> \u0026lt;/ b: section> indicating that for the moment, our header has only one place, only one "section". It contains the title and description (the little phrase just below the title) of your blog. The fundamental purpose of our operation is to create additional sections to insert our other page elements.

Again and to the extent possible, we must keep the original code in case of problems (it never takes too much care.) But it must still be disabled so it does not conflict with the new code we will introduce. The easiest way to disable a code to turn it into comment. In this way, the interpreter knows that it must not treat this part of code. In HTML, the commentary is from the "tags" \u0026lt;! - And -> . Add these tags in front and behind the previous code:

\u0026lt;! -
\u0026lt;div id='header-wrapper'>

\u0026lt;b: section class = 'header' id = 'header' maxwidgets = '1 'showaddelement =' no '>

\u0026lt;b: widget id =' header1 'locked =' true 'title =' Video Game Generation 68 and (in- head) 'type =' Header '/>

\u0026lt;/ b: section>

\u0026lt;/ div>


Step 3: can now include the code for our container at three locations. One for the title you described, two widgets. Here is the code to paste "instead" of the previous code, ie just below or above since we have preserved as a comment:
\u0026lt;div id = 'header -wrapper '>

\u0026lt;b: section class =' header 'id =' header ' maxwidgets = '1 'showaddelement =' no '>

\u0026lt;b: widget id =' header1 'locked =' true 'title =' 68 and Generation Video Game (Header) 'type =' Header ' />

\u0026lt;/ b: section>

\u0026lt;div id='header-right'>

\u0026lt;b: section class = 'header' id = 'header-right -top 'showaddelement =' yes'>

\u0026lt;b:widget id='LinkList1' locked='false' title='' type='LinkList'/>

\u0026lt;/ b: section>


<div id='header-right-bottom'>

<b:section class='header' id='header-right-bottom-section' showaddelement='yes'>

<b:widget id='HTML1' locked='false' title='Choose your language / Traduction.' type='HTML'/>




To you, of course, change the blog title. As agreed, we note that this code creates two sections most of the first. A section header-right "to be in the top right section and a" header-right-bottom "to be on the lower right. Here we are with our three divisions, just what we needed.
Step 4: Another piece of code to edit. In my case, my initial header, very simple, contained only # header without another section. So I had to get that piece of code and comment out as below:
\u0026lt;! -

# header {

padding-top: 0px;

padding-$ endSide: 0px;

padding-bottom: 0px;

padding-$ startSide: 0px;

margin-top: 0px;

margin-$ endSide: 0px;

margin-bottom: 0px;

margin-$ startSide: 0px;

border-bottom: 1px dotted $ bordercolor;

background: $ descbgcolor;



But in your case, your header can be more elaborate. Therefore, you must do the same maneuver as the # header FOR YOUR # header-wrapper and # header-inner potential : put everything in comment. If we disable some of the code, it should be replaced by another. Here's the code I have to introduce some custom for my blog:
# header-wrapper {

width: 1200px;

border: 1px solid # 000000;

margin: 0 auto 10px;

border:1px solid $bordercolor;

clear: both;

word-wrap: break-word;

overflow: hidden;



#header-inner {

background-position: center;

margin-left: auto;

margin-right: auto;


#header {

width: 58%;

float: left;

margin: 5px;

border: 1px solid $pagetitlebgcolor;

text-align: center;



#header-right {

width: 40%;

float: right;

border: 1px solid $bordercolor;

color: $pagetitlecolor;

margin: 5px;


#header-right-top {

padding: 0 5px 10px;


#header-right a {
a:hover {

a img {
  border-width: 0;

#header-right-bottom-section {

padding: 0 5px 10px;


#header-right ul {

margin: 0;

padding: 5px;


#header-right ul li {

display: inline;

padding: 5px;


#header-right-bottom {

width: 40%;

float: right;

border: 1px solid $ bordercolor;

color: $ pagetitlecolor;

margin: 5px;}

# header-bottom-right ul {margin

: 0;

padding: 5px;}

# header-bottom-right ul li {

display: inline;

padding: 5px;}

The changes I made are of several kinds. Warning , I have not seen the result in several configurations. Therefore, I can not guarantee as to how something appears on the screen of your visitors. The easiest way is to try with friends with different resolutions, different browser ... I initially set the size of the container to 1200 pixel. I must say that some have advocated not to exceed 950 pixels. I did not understand why ... Regarding the relative sizes of the sections, I adopted the percentage system more suited to my senses. The header title and description to 58%. Two at 40%. I also made sure that the frames around the header title and description is more apparent by applying color the bottom. By cons I left a border for sections widgets right. Finally, I added the following short code (already present just above, do not add it) which allows me to bring up the menu in the upper right in black:
# header- right a {
color: # 000000;}

a: hover {
color: $ titlecolor;}

a img {
border-width: 0;}

for this result has not been finalized:

Good. So far I have not added much to the basic tutorial. Simply to use, you may notice that your new sections do not include perhaps the way you want really. In general what you are proposing is to put a search link in one section and a menu in another. The menu does not pose a problem, as we shall see, and the search link is a widget "narrow". But in my case, the translation widget Goggle I want to put. Unfortunately, this widget is "thick" and poses a big problem if the offset is, as the top. Only solution I've found so far, put the menu up and down the Google widget. So all is well:

It's nice all this but how do I put it all in our newest section?
Step 6: Go from your dashboard on the layout of your blog. And then, surprise! The three sections of your new header is present in the layout (even if everything is a bit mixed up ...). They are therefore modifiable interactively:

From there, it's easy. For the menu, simply place a "list of links" in the top slot (in the case of a second widget "thick"). Like magic, the links are arranged in rows and not one over the other. Google translation for the widget, simply put quite conventionally element "HTML / Javascript and copy this code . In another widget, another code of course ...

And voila. to see my result, just look at the header of my blog. With you to customize your colors, widgets and even why not the number of your sections etc.etc.
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Get High Rubbing Coke On Gums

Tutorial: Inserting a non-HTML in a message read Blogger.

As and when the construction of this blog, I propose, using some tutorials to share with you how I proceeded to design it.

draft blogger The pitch:
You may have noticed that in a previous message , I was annoyed at not being able to give you the code directly into the message. The code was interpreted and at best it was not at worst he would do anything in the compiler! I opted for the simplest solution, ie give you the code in the form of an image. Of course this solution was far from being effective because you could not copy / paste the code rather than typing tedious (and again it was short ...). I think there are a multitude of solutions to this problem. Including the famous pop-ups that contain the code and appear in the heart of the message. Apart from the fact that a long code there would not entirely visible, there is a simpler way to proceed as long as one uses the draft version of Blogger (Draft Blogger) . I remind you that you can Draft Blogger Now use the options to come to Blogger in Beta yet. Never mind ...

The walkthrough:
Go , enter it normally your username and password. Everything happens in the options that appear at the bottom of the window of a new message:

By clicking on these options you will see that Blogger Draft offers a relatively large number of options compared to the options of Blogger "Classic". It is the latter that interests us. By default, Draft Blogger says that the HTML typed in the message window, even mode written to be interpreted. Just click on "Show HTML literally" to change this default behavior and get what we want:

For example, I suggest you paste here the famous code was problematic to me and watch what happens ...

\u0026lt;script src = "
translatemypage.xml & up_source_language = en & w = 160 & h = 60 & title = & border = & output = js ">
\u0026lt;/ script>

code appears, the compiler seems to have kept his head on his shoulders ... And even more I could add a background color-specific code (another option I believe ...). Draft Blogger In short, voila:)

If you liked this article or brought you something, or rather if you did not like and that its contents can be completed, thank you to leave a comment . It is through your actions that this blog will improve.

Friday, August 1, 2008

Parts In A Polaroid Camera

Final Fantasy VII Crisis Core: a bewitching musical theme ... Battlefield Bad Company Review

final fantasy VII crisis core psp After the rant, the blow of heart. There are a couple of weeks while I was planning to get FF VII on PSP, I visited the site of the game since I bought it. But my purpose here is not to make you do the same. Besides, I did not move the test (but you can always ask me your questions, I answer with pleasure). No, my approach is all aesthetics on this one! I am indeed fallen in love with the musical theme of the site. Simply! It is a superb example of modern Japanese music you could say. I am pleased offer you the link because the artists who composed the theme music and game (Takeharu Ishimoto and Nobuo Uematsu) are not musicians "official" Square-Enix. After reading a few tests, you will find that they have strong summers criticized, perhaps rightly so. I do not make judgments of value. I just want to encourage them because I think this particular subject is a marvel. To listen, here is . Remember to leave a few seconds for the theme and load ... enjoy! Personally, that's what I hear in the background while I work. Not too long anyway because the track is short, it ends up being repetitive:) Please let me know your feelings on this jewel. We must help small ...

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