QUOTE <"http://www.paulvids.com/ron_paul_videos.php"> Too much government interference in golf by Ron Paul
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Loleta Cheese Factory
, BP and the oil spill
QUOTE <"http://www.paulvids.com/ron_paul_videos.php"> Too much government interference in golf by Ron Paul
Unfortunately, the disaster in the Gulf this week and continues the procession of BP's efforts to contain the oil, damage control, encourage residents along the coast to clean and defend their shores and its wildlife. Many have criticized the federal government in recent weeks, accused of did not do enough. The reality is that if the government can do much to relieve as well, it can increase the problem and mislead the suffering
For example, from the perspective of "doing something" the administration has adopted a unilateral ban on offshore drilling. It cons-productive. I am proud to propose and support with other legislation to lift the ban. Why punish other oil companies and their employees who work hard, who have nothing to do with this disaster, and have much better safety records? QUOTE <"http://www.paulvids.com/ron_paul_videos.php"> Too much government interference in golf by Ron Paul
And, as happens after disasters, countless people - even local officials and state government - appeared knew what to do and willing to help, but were discouraged by by such paperwork as oil continues to flow. The real problem is not lack of government assistance, but the government's inability to identify those solutions, and follow the lead. We saw the same phenomenon during hurricanes Katrina and Ike. It seems the main role of government in these situations is to find excuses to trample, hold meetings and press conferences, wasting money, punish scapegoats, and stack the regulations.
Yet even after the many examples of incompetence past, people turn to government to solve problems following disasters. A government that tries to "do everything for everybody" can cause considerable dependence induced, but ultimately it hurts the very people it is supposed to serve: a wait, helplessly, no hello outside Washington.
The government could help by requiring players their full responsibilities as well as damages and cleaning costs. I hope that efforts in this direction are genuine and that BP is indeed liable for any damage, not protected by liability caps under the table or reimbursed by taxpayers. Unfortunately, a large additional sum of taxpayers' money was slipped into the bill to come to bear the costs of cleaning the Gulf should have been assumed to BP. Taxpayers should not condone a major oil company that has caused such horrific damage on our shores.
It should be noted that BP is not exactly a bastion of free market capitalism. , Instead they invested in obtaining government grants, the orientation of policies in their favor, and regulations restricting competition BP was even a developer's lobbying cap and trade because of certain provisions legislation, and could benefit from it.
. Asking me, Quid, pressure groups, which supports that and vice versa?
my thinking is that attempts to keep the players strictly and fully responsible could end up being nothing more than a con game, where taxpayers will ultimately be the fall guy
If the idea of Government Action in Crises is to punish the innocent, the guilty replenish and increase the pump prices throughout the world, we would like them to do less, not more. ! Recent polls suggest
a reduction in aid for offshore drilling. We always need for oil, and lots of good jobs depend on this oil production. It is crucial to the functioning of our economy. But if the accidents continue to be treated this way, it is easy to understand why so many people see more disadvantages than advantages to offshore drilling, and it is also deplorable.
GO, I made a mini summary of the arguments liberals
the "Congressman Ron Paul criticized Obama's criticism of the BP Group, responsible for the spill of oil in deepwater in the Gulf of Mexico ..
he explains that this creates a type culture
"the government is responsible for everything. "detestable strong
He thinks that with a judicious interpretation of ownership (rather than state control) the situation was more favorable
Finally, he asserts that there should be no limit to the legal responsibility of BP
(rather whether the government legislates, and allows or disallows drilling in deep water, the simple fact to bear the true price of oil produced in these extreme conditions, including the cost operating the "security" have changed things)
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