Sunday, June 24, 2007

Nightmare Campus Free Online


I was recently shocked to see the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) go to an offensive against the private sector! In fact, billboards along the highway, it says: "PPP, stop that! Municipal employees are there for you. The personal is there for that? .

So here, CUPE on a crusade against the private sector. What surprises me first is to see that these people do not engage in arguments, they deliver a slogan. Indeed, to say that municipal employees are there for you, seeing how many are overpaid nothing to do some blue collar or bus drivers, such an assertion has a funny taste. But to imply that the private sector, contrary to the public, is not there for us, there is truly something fall off his chair.

It's true that any private company is, in itself, there to make money. In fact, it is a truism that a company makes no money going to close. But where is the harm in that? You knew that, according to statistics, the majority of Quebecers work in a private company (which includes self-employed)? Besides, for sector unions Privately, they are more likely to make money in a profitable business in a bankrupt company. Otherwise, why harp to go to Wal Mart or McDonald's? Anyway, I am among those who believe there are too many employees in the public sector in Quebec. Consider the case of the Ministry of Education. In Quebec, there are over 3000 to work as servants. In Denmark, for a similar population and similar needs, they are 300 ... There is something to think about, it seems! But the distance from the subject.

short, to see CUPE use a slogan as meaningless, it is essential to deliver the record straight. Municipalities are not wealthy, and have limited budgets. A municipality, like any private company has every reason to return to its budgets, it is a minimum which we can legitimately expect. If it can reduce its costs, everyone is a winner (we're talking about taxpayers' money, anyway!). If the municipality has employees that do not matter and expensive (it often is!), Nothing should prevent him from correcting the situation and offer a quality of service (but in saying this, I just cause anger among union movements). In summary, if a municipality may entrust part of its services to a company, it costs him less and that quality standards are met, then why not? Otherwise, if the company is not the case, we do not renew the contract and is entrusted to another company. Nothing complicated there! It's like when you go to a restaurant, if you're expensive, the service was rotten and your meal was bad, you go eat somewhere else next time! So it's the advantage of a private company that offer quality services at affordable prices. No company is to bankruptcy. In either case, if public employees are fine and do not cost too much, the municipality will keep them, no doubt. So why such a campaign of fear? As for me, the only ones who should fear are the incompetent employees.

But what strikes me most is that this beautiful propaganda campaign is paid for by taxpayers' money. CUPE is a union of public employees, employees are paid from your taxes, and by A + B, union dues are paid through your taxes and your taxes. Thus, the union made a propaganda at taxpayer expense to encourage municipalities to spend more public money?? There is an obvious nonsense!

As stated Réjean Breton, the "union" should stop thinking that everything they are owed! No, we're not beholden to the unions, quite the contrary! Their abuses have been bankrupt companies have indebted Quebec, have established trade union practices questionable, made the promotion of incompetence, but they still have the mentality of 1870 when private enterprise is seen as the big bad wolf. Unions public sector are not there for "us", they are merely parasites of taxpayers' money to benefit its members and the quality of service is the least of their worries.


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