Thursday, January 18, 2007

Wearing No Socks Fashion

How does (will) walk (r)? Value added of

intended to be, as its name suggests, a toolbox makes it easy to develop offline capabilities for web applications yesterday and tomorrow. For this, several things are needed:
- a library that allows storing information in offline mode: it already exists, it's called .
- a lightweight web proxy on the client to manage the offline mode is transparent to the user (I will return).
- a API allows developers to easily use the features of the toolkit

Well, let us now on the client machine will use an application running with the Toolkit:
- it will look if you have the web proxy dojo offline
- if you do not have it, she offers to install (Easy Installation: NSIS system for Windows, Linux XPI)
immediately - you have the proxy or not, you then use the online application
- once offline and if you have the proxy, it consults the file ProxyAutoConfiguration (CAP) in your browser and directs you to your local version of the application seamlessly
- you use the offline application is then entirely based on JavaScript, which allows you to store information in your browser through
- once you go online, the proxy reconnects you to the remote server and synchronize offline / online may occur

All work which is being is therefore to create the proxy (from polipo an existing opensource project) and build the API ... racing results in 3 months!


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