Thursday, May 27, 2010

How Much Is It To Fix A Front Bumper

Why, today, supporting a Liberal candidate, Arnaud Walther

QUOTE "The State is the great fiction through which everybody endeavors to live at the expense of everything world. " learn to mourn his illusions ...

Rebellion, the violent response, initially,
when a human is confronted with an unpleasant reality,
which he did not "prepared", n 'is certainly not negligible.

However, as this is still 50 years, doctors' rough and ready "
could tell you: you have cancer ... more than a few months to live, or rather you" hide "the disaster, now
They have learned to handle these situations ...

The Liberals have good diagnostic ....
they anticipated the disappointment ...
is perfect .... but insufficient

It is time to learn to communicate positively, so dignified and positive
on this disaster hanging over our collective noses ...

A guy who learns that his wife is cheating on him, that his kid to a devastating leukemia
or relocates its box in Poland can certainly have a few minutes drive of rage, envy

a gun lover, of euthanize the son
to open fire on the crowd to kalachnikof or shooting himself in the head ...

But it is well surrounded, if he offers food for thought, if he feels
effectively supported by competent persons,
he can find the resource to "assume"

is even why I support the Liberal candidate, Arnaud Walter

C is when many of our concytoyens
can understand their responsibility for what happens to us,
their naive trust in the political class to
that creates the problem and is now completely discredited,
and is unable to offer any line of work, the slightest hint of

and resolution is reduced to putting out fires arsonists, Sapper camembert digging holes to reseal others
hue and cry on the scapegoat.
the day you lose the illusion of the state,
the certainty of life, you, at the expense of others "con (s)" - tribuables
and understand that no, tomorrow, we do not shave gratis ...

reread Bastiat

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Genitalexamination Male

Champions and combat sports in the History

This new blog Champions and combat sports in the history "is an extension of the site" The best fighter of all time "; first version of a book which was reissued for the third time in late 2009. It contains all new information that the book will continue to evolve:
sports news - but also historical research.

The 2010 version is also being prepared with:

- new information on contemporary champions (end of career Asashoryu imminent entry of Wladimir Klitschko of the best pugilists in history, Odlanier Solis on his footsteps, Semmy Schilt K1 king for the 4th time, Fedor Emelianenko MMA King until June 2010, ...) and updates on the Mongolian Naadam wrestlers or the guresli Kirkpinar;
- new sports taken into account more detailed and documented (ju-jitsu, wushu, sambo, Amateur sumo, karate shotokan ...)
- taking into account the World Games (antechamber of the modern Olympic Games), Games of Tailteann Celtic ... and new Combat Games SportAccord;
- et cetera!