Circle Bastiat
While the epidemic of influenza seems to disappear as expected the media radar, Dr. de Casanova reacts to the intrusion of state in what would remain of a health problem managed by health professionals. Why the state he wanted to interfere in the treatment of ordinary flu altogether? -------------------
Seasonal flu occurs every year in France. It infects several million people and kills thousands. The State never got moved. Health workers have, for decades, used to support seasonal flu. They have not fallen. It is logical to infer that the professionals were able to cope with the situation created by the influenza A H1N1. Care were provided, the prevention measures implemented and explained, the vaccine developed in the quiet, without difficulty or that state intervention. This is so each year for seasonal influenza, there is no reason why it is different with this flu
whose virulence is nothing exceptional
. Confidence about the disease have persisted. It will not be the case because of state intervention. The state doctor or Diafoirus Knock?
Indeed, today the state takes directly support a campaign in all areas against influenza A H1N1. On his own he became the big boss face this epidemic. The State told the professionals what to do. The State therefore considers that the most competent professionals. Fortunately they have not waited to do their job.
There is no question, of course, to say that this epidemic can not be supported. Discussions focus on the attitude of the state. About a flu outbreak less deadly than the seasonal, our leaders are sowing panic. While acknowledging the benignity of the disease, they terrify people. Why?
Why such an intrusion of the state?
The previous bird flu leads to perplexity. There are official explanations: the protection of populations, the sacrosanct principle of precaution, the inevitable interest.
The French in their majority are not fooled. But contrary to popular belief the average person, it is not only the "big pharmaceutical" eternal villains of the story, nor the "industrial capitalist" who benefit. The
reasons for the runaway state lie elsewhere: There should be no limit to the intervention of men of the state!
The state, which is called "welfare" has a natural propensity and enlightened self-interest to be involved in everything and to expand endlessly. This extension will find here a sprawling grounds of humanitarian and health for another step. The state is hegemonic in nature, when it does not tend to become simply totalitarian. It is centralized, it can not endure that the grassroots people, civil society, do better than him. This would demonstrate its futility in many other areas where it operates an equally ill-appropriateness. It must prevail and all efforts must come from the top. Everything is great and is planned beautiful, fair, effective and should only exist everywhere. In its place, nothing can, nor should it escape.
Arguably, the State being what it is, do a bit of prevention is not what it does worst. This argument could be used in all areas. It's a trap. It is not for him to do. We must learn to stop because he alone will never stop. It begins with a simple, minimal and consensual. It's painless, it is "soft hand". Nobody objects, there is attention, a lot approval. Once the breach made, he rushes into and extends without limit. It still maneuver well in all areas: individual freedoms, property rights, taxes etc.. When comes the "hard hand", it is too late!
Men of the State like power, they dream absolute
"The lender does not deal with small business," said Romans. It does not interest our powerful. Instead, they have the power they have on the lives of men. The men of the state power to measure their ability to intervene in areas of more intimate life of the people. Health is one of those areas there. Is this the role of the state to give instructions as accurate as how to wash hands, sneeze, act in community? While useful, health professionals will give them spontaneously. They will be personalized and not fall overboard. This is not the case with instructions state: they are collective, undifferentiated, global, thereby excessive. If
the state is obeyed, he made himself indispensable. It becomes the natural referent to which people turn, the "private" having been disqualified. It creates a habit. In doing so it ensures a hold on people. He began to distill its instructions for things small, mundane, simple, little questionable. Little by little minds are dominated, formatted and ready for anything. There is and there will be more resistance. Inhabitants are packed, the next time they will obey without question to other instructions, may be more deleterious.
The state needs an external enemy :
In case of difficulty interior, nothing beats a "good enemy" outside. On the domestic front the government has put France into bankruptcy. The debt is overwhelming, the deficit abyss. The social security and pensions do not end up collapsing. The tax burden grow constantly, so as to become confiscatory. Unemployment is soaring, youth employment is collapsing, the purchasing power back. His initiatives to turn mess, the debacle.
But now, the horizon appears the Mexican flu, first known as H1N1 and swine. Finally a good enemy, although identified. We'll see what we will see, it will heat up! The state will be able to flaunt his talent. The country is in danger, he calls the ban and arriere ban of his associates and allies. In addition to the cause is noble and generous: to save the French from the nasty virus H1N1! Fortunately, the state is there. As our patients say, "when talking about the flu is not talking about something else."
The state lives in fear:
Because fear is a means of government. The state creates, instills, promotes and plays with fear. The frightened people are tightening around the welfare state. Resistances and prejudices fall victim to fear. Fear makes all overflows, allows all cowardice. People forget the difficulties that the State has established: Tainted Blood, deficit, debt crisis, unemployment, business problems, impoverishment. They no longer arise the question of how the State withers and destroys everything it touches, and whose policies will result in countless failures, would suddenly be able to work miracles. When the state of a subject is mixed, the disaster is never far away. How, then, that State could be effective in the fight against influenza? By fear, the state makes one forget his failures. For, he says, to protect them from danger, he enters a little more in people's lives. It is for him an alibi for even greater intrusion into the private domain. People who are not afraid are free, those who live in fear are submitted.
The State must prove its utility:
To prove its usefulness, as he knows so poor, it must eliminate its competitors. The state must "act" and "win", because if unfortunately for him, people realized that they can work very well, and even better without him, his become obvious uselessness. Then his eyes opened! It will therefore seek to marginalize health professionals on this issue, while believing the opposite. Health professionals are yet better able to ensure and implement the necessary steps spontaneously. It's their job. They are accustomed. They do this for a long time. What a public servant, a minister it would be more effective than a seasoned professional? Of course there are "experts" who "advise" policy. But according to these experts, and their future, are dependent on the satisfaction of their bosses. Their role is even because there is a problem. None can afford to say that there is none. If there is not no expert. All those who take advantage of the situation are in the same case. A word hello.
The welfare state wants to show people they can believe in him. He is in charge and will save them. It proves that it exists and is useful. He had need of H1N1 poue improve its image! After the Chernobyl cloud stopped at the border,
saved the planet from global warming
, saved the world financial crisis, informed The G20's light, and given to the French Safely the wonderful value for money, it defeats the H1N1. Ladies and gentlemen, applaud! The State can not claim to be useful if it gets rid of what existed before him, namely the direct care, normal seasonal epidemics of influenza by health personnel. The state is built on the ruins of civil society: the state is destructive. The State is using the flu as it uses the so-called "global warming" crisis, unemployment, debt, deficit, road transport, cigarettes, dog bites, advertising on television, young people in the stairwells,
edited pictures, etc.. to intervene more in the privacy of people, undermining their freedom, manage their lives according to its norms, prejudices ... Men of the State benefit. Not the French. Paraphrasing Turgot, they could shout "let us do it!" Through their actions and free the multitude of interactions and created "people", "base", "people" will solve the difficulties they face. They will create growth, "economic harmonies
" and social harmony, as stated by Frederic Bastiat. The state is the gravedigger of these harmonies. ----------
© 2009 - Dr. Patrick Casanova
Ps See also the analysis of Dr. R. Cantor
on the site of the Institute Hayek. Warning:
course, it suits everyone to get an idea from multiple sources, and this section shall in no way be considered a target board freedom, whose author is not a doctor, about the line that everyone can choose to adopt against the risk of contracting the disease.
On Thursday, October 22, 2009, 18:27 by Jean-Michel Bélouve2. The
Friday, October 23, 2009, 12:22 by Silas3.
On Sunday, October 25, 2009, 10:24 byHis opponents, statists.
his false friends, the "Industrial" (it should probably find another word.)(One might add in false friends, the big banks, benefited greatly from the state monetary policy while being treated wrongly as pure products of liberalism)
I had published a few months ago for a new argument liberal discourse:
On Sunday, October 25, 2009, 13:00 by5.
On Sunday, October 25, 2009, 16:44 byV