Friday, May 18, 2007

Difference Between Homburg And Fedora

RIA compared

It's been a while since I was looking for a clear comparison between the major RIA technologies: having found nothing satisfactory, I decided to do my own comparison.

You will find below Flash, Ajax, Apollo, WPF, Silverlight and Java compared against the criteria that allow - for me - to enjoy a RIA technology: vector drawing, animation, multimedia, offline mode, 3D Access system installation required, cross-platform .


Des. Vect. Animation 3D Multimedia Access system. Offline Installation Multi platform
Flash Yes Yes Difficult Yes No Difficult Plugin Yes (including mobile)
Ajax Limited Limited not not not Hard not Oui
Apollo Oui Oui Hard Oui Oui Oui Oui Oui
Silverlight Yes Yes No Yes No Not Plugin Windows / MacOSX
WPF Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Not Vista / XP SP2
Java Yes Yes Yes Not perfect Yes Yes Yes (including mobile)

Conclusion? Java seems to be the killer app of the RIA! The big problem with this comparison is that it obscures some highlights: performances (and there, Java takes a hit), and development productivity in particular.

My personal preference continues to go to Ajax in that it can advantageously take advantage of other technologies as needed. Development productivity is obviously a big problem, but there definitely progressing.

you, your thoughts?

Friday, May 11, 2007

Gay Bars Mobile Alabama

HTML 5 finally on track!

Great news: W3C has agreed to use the work as the basis for the WHATWG specification for HTML5 !

We can therefore say that the great advances previously proposed in the working draft (the canvas tag, the datagrids, consistency HTML / DOM / javascript ...) are now likely to be officially recommended by the agency Tim Berners-Lee .

I invite you to read my article about HTML5 to understand how this is good news ...

Monday, May 7, 2007

Bn Wd54g Ad Hoc Not Working On Xp

When unionism campaigns against human rights

Since 1789, mankind has taken a real awareness of the importance of guaranteeing the inalienable rights to everyone living on earth. Yet more than 200 years later, Quebec is still some delay in the law of man, and those most responsible are none other than trade unions.

There are almost 60 years, 10 December 1948, the General Assembly UN has adopted the most important text in its history, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. These rights are defined as " the common standard of achievement for all peoples and all nations so that every individual and every organ of society, keeping this Declaration constantly in mind, shall strive by teaching and education to promote respect for these rights and freedoms and by progressive measures, by progressive measures, national and international recognition and effective recognition and observance, both among the peoples of Member States themselves themselves and among the peoples of territories under their jurisdiction . "In short, the highest international organization in the world decides to promote these fundamental rights. It is an ideal, but it's still a major goal to achieve.

And you will say:" And unions in there? ". You are aware that Canada allows the Rand formula (since the 50s, through a decision of the Supreme Court of Canada). What this means is that employees of a unionized company are obliged to contribute financially to the union. However, the reality is that this small open door led to abuse. Indeed, not only a worker is forced participate in the financing of the union (even if not wanted), but in addition, unions are forcing employees to join the union. Some will say that technically we are not obliged to join a union. The reality (for those who live on the same planet as me) is quite different. Take the example of the former professor of labor law, Mr. Réjean Breton, who despite his legendary obsession for unionism, was nevertheless forced to be a member of his union (on this subject, see http://cc. / cache.aspx? q = 8132421164313 & lang = en-US & mkt = en-CA & FORM = VCEN ). In short, no union job will not leave the choice to the applicant if he wishes to join the union or not. It's "You sign or you'll see elsewhere."

To return to human rights, Article 20 (2) of the Declaration states that "2. No one may be compelled to belong to an association. . Canada signed the statement, but it did not prevent the Supreme Court to wander and write judgments that went against this fundamental right, much less labor to shoot anything that speaks of abolish the Rand formula. In Quebec, this practice has been codified Article 47. For unionists, this is a sacrilege for not wanting a union. The union is the sole holder of absolute truth and human values.

When you think that in the ancient tribes of virtually all civilizations, we still had a form of organization headed. There was a village leader and always a kind of spiritual master (eg a wizard). In Quebec's history, spirituality was occupied by the village priest and / or clergy. But since the '60s, because religion has taken a major setback, it is undeniably unions have become the "witch" of the village and have replaced the Catholic church (on this subject, I suggest you read "The National-syndicalism" Réjean Breton and Brigitte Pellerin, Éditions Varia). The unions have a disproportionate power. Marc Bellemare said: "The Prime Minister was Henri Massé" (The Sun Journal, Friday, February 17, 2007). It has become a grave sin to question the authority of association, especially in a democratic union strong-arm where the votes are hand-thrown.

I therefore appeal to unionists: when are you going Finally, respect the fundamental human rights?

Soft Cervix Before Menstruation

Tamarin: the future of JavaScript and Mozilla by Adobe

At a time when the web is the dominant technology and Javascript his new resort, it is understandable that this may revolutionize JavaScript can change a lot also.

Javascript, I've said many times is full of defects, and among these, calamitous performance is not the slightest. However, at a time when everything is good to javascript, it can be very painful. Painful to the point that our Web 2.0 finds himself back color 1.0, when all those pretty ajax functions that make life easier for the user to start skating at a point unlikely. Worse, some applications (like 3D ) will remain out of reach of JS as these limitations are lifted.

Once again, the problem is not really javascript as a language but rather embedded runtimes in different browsers ... and it is precisely where Tamarin intervenes.

Tamarin is the code name given by Adobe in its engine project ECMAScript (JavaScript if you prefer the subtle nuance is) designed to boost significantly the Just In Time compiling into machine code (as Java or. Net): a great idea ... And Adobe did not stop in so good way, since last November , the project code was opened and the project leadership entrusted to the Mozilla Foundation.

Result? Web applications of tomorrow will be far more demanding than the crafts today! To be more precise, note that Flash Player 9 is already using Firefox and Tamarin should integrate in 2008 (to mark the passage to Javascript 2). This is also why at cons-current events, I choose to speak today about this project because it lends credibility even further Ajax and Flash meet rising RIA alternatives.